Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 - 84,165 miles)

Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 – 84,165 miles)

Here we have a BMW 535D booked in for diagnostics and Engine Carbon Clean as part of a multi-vehicle booking.

The owner joined in with a returning customer of ours and thought it was running well enough beforehand, but we could pick up the tell tale bass note from the engine.

Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 - 84,165 miles)
Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 – 84,165 miles)

Diagnostics picked up quite a few historical issues and confirmed some the owner was aware of already. We documented and cleared those down and then proceeded with the clean.

Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 - 84,165 miles)
Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 – 84,165 miles)

45 minutes later and now much quieter, smooth and responsive again.

Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 - 84,165 miles)
Engine Carbon Clean on a BMW 535d (2004 – 84,165 miles)

☑️ Full Diagnostics
☑️ Engine Carbon Clean
☑️ Safety first, fully insured, IMI Certified and Which? Trusted Traders approved.
☑️ Proud Partner with Team-HARD. Racing

#BMW #535d #followthecog #WhichTOTM #whichtrustedtrader #IMICertified #prevention #Maintenance #servicing #diagnostics #Derbyshire #Leicestershire #Nottinghamshire #Northamptonshire #Rutland #Lincolnshire #MPG #performance #Engine #Carbon #Clean #MOT #emissions #DPF

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