First up today in rainy Hucknall is this BMW 116d (2009 – 109,994 miles) which has had 2 new DPFs under warranty in the last 3 months!
📊 No codes present and engine temperatures were fine both at idle and when driving. Live data did show an exhaust gas temperature sensor which looks dead so advised the customer to get that checked and replaced.
⚙️ On with the clean and now much quieter, smooth and responsive again.
☑️ Full Diagnostics
☑️ Engine Carbon Clean
☑️ Safety first, fully insured, IMI Certified and Which? Trusted Traders approved.
#BMW #116D #followthecog #WhichTOTM #whichtrustedtrader #IMICertified #prevention #Maintenance #servicing #diagnostics #Derbyshire #Leicestershire #Nottinghamshire #Northamptonshire #Rutland #Lincolnshire #MPG #performance #Engine #Carbon #Clean #MOT #emissions #DPF #Taxi