Limp Mode Issues – Diagnostic and Engine Carbon Clean on a Ford Fiesta 1.4 (2009 – 79,873 miles)

⚠️ Vehicle not driving like it should? Running issues? Warning lights?

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”§ Here we have a Ford Fiesta booked in for diagnostics and Engine Carbon Clean after getting intermittent limp mode issues. The owner suspected it might be a sticking turbo, but a manual check and subsequent diagnostics showed us the real story…

πŸ—£οΈ ‘Hi Adrian! The limp mode was do to the throttle pedal position sensor.
β€’Car mpg up to 65 on average.
β€’seems a lot smother whilst driving. Thanks πŸ˜€’

πŸ—£οΈ ‘Yeah all sorted including glow plug. MPG before was showing an average of 42’

β˜‘οΈ Full Diagnostics
β˜‘οΈ Engine Carbon Clean
β˜‘οΈ Safety first, fully insured, IMI Certified and Which? Trusted Traders approved.

#Ford #Fiesta #WhichTOTM #whichtrustedtrader #IMICertified #prevention #Maintenance #servicing #diagnostics #Derbyshire #Leicestershire #Nottinghamshire #Northamptonshire #Rutland #Lincolnshire #MPG #performance #Engine #Carbon #Clean #Taxi #MOT #DPF #emissions

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