Leaking injector = no clean on this Mercedes E320 CDI (2008 - 128,696 miles)

Leaking injector = no clean on this Mercedes E320 CDI (2008 – 128,696 miles)

⚠️ Black smoke and poor MPG? Carbon buildup is just one cause, but boost or injector leaks amongst other issues can also cause it.

🚗 Here we have a Mercedes E320 CDI (2008 – 128,696 miles) booked in for diagnostic consultation and Engine Carbon Clean after the owner had noticed declining MPG and the exhaust tips getting blacker recently.

🔎 Initial inspection of the engine bay found a tell-tale ‘chuff-chuff’ noise from the left hand side and although not immediately visible when shining a light above the injectors we could see a leak.

🚫 No clean on this one. With any kind of boost or injector leak it…
– wouldn’t clean properly
– wouldn’t be safe
– wouldn’t resolve the customer issue
– would just get dirty again really quickly.

👨‍🔧 Clean abandoned, but we completed the diagnostic work and can return at a later date.

💻 Initial diagnostics found an issue with the left door mirror heater.

📊 Live data conformed an over fuel on the injector, but all other data looked good with coolant temperatures staying between 85-93°C when tested.

👍 The owner can now get this resolved and call us back to finish off the booking at a later date.

☑️ Full live data Diagnostics
☑️ Which? Trusted Traders approved Engine Carbon Clean
☑️ Safety first, fully insured and IMI Certified

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