Having vehicle running issues? Diagnostic consultation and Engine Carbon Clean on a Citroën C4 HDi

🗣️ ‘Super at the moment really quiet on tick over and seems to be a lot smoother. Will be able to tell more when starting it from cold when I leave the office. Thank you for coming to do it and all your advice.
Hi just to let you know that I have just got home all seems to be OK started first time and did not cut out. Plus it’s a lot smoother – money well spent thank you again’

Here we have a Citroën C4 2.0 HDi (2008 – 113,585 miles) booked in for diagnostics and Engine Carbon Clean after progressively lower MPG, getting noisier and randomly cutting out.

📊 Diagnostics found no apparent issues and live data for EGR, fuel delivery and injector fuelling appeared to be fine.

⚙️ On with the clean and it quickly settled down, quietened, smoothed out and by the end was idling sweetly.

☑️ Full Diagnostics
☑️ Engine Carbon Clean
☑️ Safety first, fully insured, IMI Certified and Which? Trusted Traders approved.

Having vehicle running issues? Diagnostic consultation and Engine Carbon Clean on a Citroën C4 HDi

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