Diagnostic consultation and Engine Carbon Clean on an Audi A4 2.0 TDI (2013 – 53,540 miles)

⚠️ Service or MOT due? Vehicle not as quiet, smooth, responsive or economical as it used to be?

🗣️ ‘Good mate can definitely tell a difference when you put your foot down and activates the turbo – a lot more responsive aswell now’

🚗 Here we have an Audi A4 2.0 TDI (2013 – 53,540 miles) booked in for diagnostics health check and Engine Carbon Clean.

No apparent running issues per se, but the owner wanted it checking out and cleaning up to look for recovery of lost MPG and restore it back to its best.

📊 Diagnostics walkthrough with the owner showed little of note. The code history was saved, emailed through and then cleared and the only issue remaining was a connection issue with the radio antenna.

⚙️On with the clean and the live data monitoring throughout showed…

✔️ nice EGR movement and more importantly gas flow through it
✔️ low backpressure on the DPF and a recent successful regeneration (15km ago) so the regeneration process was working fine
✔️ Injectors all looked to be fuelling fine with minimal balancing occurring.

With a clean bill of health and now cleaned up it was quieter, smooth and responsive again after an Engine Carbon Clean.

Diagnostic consultation and Engine Carbon Clean on an Audi A4 2.0 TDI (2013 - 53,540 miles)

☑️ Full Diagnostics
☑️ Engine Carbon Clean
☑️ Safety first, fully insured, IMI Certified and Which? Trusted Traders approved.

#Audi #AudA4 #WhichTOTM #whichtrustedtrader #IMICertified #prevention #Maintenance #servicing #diagnostics #Derbyshire #Leicestershire #Nottinghamshire #Northamptonshire #Rutland #Lincolnshire #MPG #performance #Engine #Carbon #Clean #Taxi #MOT #DPF #emissions

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